giovedì 20 settembre 2007

8th yrs... has it really been that long?

Well, God certainly has been good to us. I can't emphasis this point enough, if God tells you to do something, no matter how impossible it seems (say, for example, he tells you to pick up your family and move to South Africa!), go for it and you won't regret it. On to our anniversary account. We had a wonderful anniversary, we ate at an Italian restaurant called Mamma Roma owned by a wonderful Italian lady named Christina originally from Bergamo. We went with a fish theme for the meal and Pinot Grigio, exquisite.
The restaurant is situated on the face of some mountains, and fog rolled in just towards the end of the meal which took us right back to the poetic fog of the Po valley, felt very much like the Verona fog. We then spent the night in a four star hotel named the Straightway overlooking the Helderberg Bay, absolutely stunning. Unfortunately, I thought that I would take some pictures just before leaving the Hotel, but more fog rolled in right after breakfast around 9 AM, but I'll see if I can find some other photos I have of the bay. AH... and most were taken with my cell phone, so excuse the quality.