mercoledì 18 aprile 2007

Kids News by Liz

Hey ALL, and welcome to our blog! Hope u enjoy the pics and few things we have so far! Please help us expand by posting yr comments, questions etc.
Here's our latest NEWS in a nutshell:

Breanne: Just turned 2 months(on the 17th)and there's already nothing she likes better then a 'good conversation' she 'talks' away and is happy as long as you keep talking back:) Mike's convinced that she can say the word 'blue' LOL!

Brooke: Is turning into quite the 'little lady' with long hair and a slightly thinner body. She loves copying everything her big sister says (though in her own language with parts of the words chopped off)and is already engrossed in the world of computers, horses, barbies and fairies. While at the same time making sure that she 'stays ahead' of her little sister. She very proudly went around saying "ME 2" while makeing an L with her fingers at her March 25 birthday. So when I told her that her baby sister was now 2 months she looks at me and says "ME 3"! The explaination of 2 months and 2 years was lost on her and she consequently decided that EVERYONE was 2 and told each of us our 'new age'.

Bianca: Is a wild horse. She doesn't stop running from morning to night! And is sub. constantly getting herself banged and bruised. Being the sensitive little cancer that she is the whole house gets to hear about it. She made 'an announcement' at lunch that "Excuse me everyone, ANOUNCEMENT, ANOUNCEMENT there are stinging needles in the yard, I know cuz I got stung -here!" At the same time she has just informed me that "I haven't decided yet, if I'm going to keep living with you once I get big -maybe yes, maybe no". Sob, sob and I was SO counting on it as not even 6 months back she came to me and sadly said "I'll never get married, mommy!" and when I asked her why the answer was "cuz I never want to leave you!" And I was her hero for solving her dilemma by suggesting that her husband just come live with us as well. Tsk tsk how things have changed!