domenica 8 luglio 2007

Bianca's Birthday

2007_07_06-Bianca's Birthday
Bianca turned 6 yesterday, it was her crown birthday 6 years on the 6th day (for those of you who dont know that :=) Heres the picasa web album with some foto's. I'm sorry for all the family who didn't get to make it, she really had a blast. We had two days of partying; the first day she spent with all her friends and family and had the usual party, then the next day we spent the whole day with her and went to the beach and naturally.. we jumped in the atlantic in the middle of winter, we also ate out, and she bounced on a trampoline for at least an hour or two with her younger sister. Will be upadating this album with more photos soon.
You can see the photos by clicking on the image to the left or above!

Just for fun the photos above are from the flight down here taken with my cell phone, my point being, IF ONLY ALL OF US WERE THAT COMFORTABLE DURING THE FLIGHTS..... LOL. Have a good night, peace out!

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