venerdì 31 agosto 2007

TIA "This is Africa"

"This is Africa", or so they say. Anywho, here is a regular tow truck :) the photo below is in a PRIMARY SCHOOL! Only goes up to 6 years old. LOL. I am, however, recommending a book that I just read to everyone who has the smallest changes happening in their lives.
It's called, "Who Moved My Cheese" by Spencer Johnson. It takes roughly 15-20 minutes to read, and when you start out your thinking, "this is so stupid it's like a kids story about a mice in a maze trying to find cheese!", but by the end, you aren't thinking of the cheese and the mice, just your own life. It's great!! The only think i can compare it to is Jesus' parables for simplicity in getting across the deepest lessons. All i can say is check it out!

2 commenti:

Micky ha detto...

Wut did you do for your birthday?
Pics please?

Unknown ha detto...

Welcome to Africa...

You've been here a while?

I wanted to see you guys when I was in S.A. month b4 last, but it was strictly work for a whole month & then I flew back up to Nigeria...

Next time for sure! I plan some leisure trips, as I've been to S.A. 3 times now, but haven't actually seen that much, as I always went for meetings & then when right back home each time.