lunedì 4 febbraio 2008

Back from Italy...

An ironic trait of human nature is our ability to accustom ourselves to the beauty of our surroundings to the point that we will admit to friends and visitors to our beautiful countries, "this place is beautiful" yet the meaning of the very words we utter are lost on ourselves.

the beauty of traveling, is that when you arrive back to the 'beautiful place' that you used to live, you say... "Wooahh, this is gorgeous! I forgot how gorgeous this place really was!"

My trip to Italy was wonderful, got to meet a lot of friends, made new ones. Occasionally, (if you really need it) the Lord will help you time a trip or such to perfection without you having to do much work. Funny enough, this happens more often then not when the same trip could go 'all wrong', God was on my side this time!

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